What are the specifications of the padlock?


Padlock specifications There are many types and specifi […]

Padlock specifications
There are many types and specifications of padlocks. Generally, the size of the lock is determined by the width of the lock body, and the purpose of the lock is determined by the height of the lock beam. The series of the lock is determined by the opening methods of the padlock such as straight opening, horizontal opening, top opening, and double opening.
Our commonly used padlocks generally adopt two opening methods: straight opening and horizontal opening.
At present, the stainless steel case lock produced in Shanghai also adopts the horizontal opening form, and there is also a seldom used opening method.
That is, when the key is inserted into the key slot of the lock core, the lock that can be pulled up without rotating is called "top unlocking". This type of padlock is especially suitable for openers who hold babies or carry objects that are unsuitable to put down. The so-called "double-open padlock" refers to a lock that requires two keys to work when it is opened. Its confidentiality is strong. It is suitable for occasions where two people are required to keep and two people are present to open the lock at the same time, such as warehouses, silver warehouses, etc.

Types of padlocks
In addition to the classification of padlocks according to the opening method (straight opening, horizontal opening, top opening, double opening), we can also classify the padlocks according to the internal structure of the padlock. The common ones are as follows:

1. Marble structure padlock
This type of lock uses a cylindrical pin to set up obstacles in the lock core, so that the lock core cannot be rotated and achieves the locking effect. The marble structure is also one of the commonly used structures of locks. There is a kind of lock whose body is made of metal sheets stacked on top of each other, giving people a thick and sturdy feeling. It is called a "melaleuca lock", but its internal structure is also a marble structure, so it is also a marble structure type of padlock.

2. Padlock with blade structure
This type of lock uses sheet metal of various shapes to act as an obstacle and achieve the purpose of locking. This type of structure is often used in zinc alloy or its alloy locks.

3. Magnetic structure padlock
According to the principle of magnetic repulsion, a magnetic lock core system is adopted. A permanent magnetic metal partition with the same magnetic plate as the key is installed between the lock core slot and the safety pin. The key and the safety pin do not directly contact. When smoothly inserted into the lock core slot and rotated, the key touches the metal partition, generating a strong repulsive force, and the lock can be opened easily. In addition, the principle of magnetic attraction is used to close the metal plate and open the lock with a spring.

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